Sunday, February 12, 2012

Making a CD on pioneering independent women throughout the last few decades, but need help naming the album?

For my Women in Popular Music class, our project entails making themed album with a few songs by popular women throughout the ages.

My group's particular theme is on breakout women since the 1960s until now

RESPECT - Aretha Franklin

Strong Enough - Cher

Express Yourself - Madonna

Diva - Beyonce

Born This Way - Lady Gaga

The songs fit together because they all describe women being independent and pushing to be themselves instead of what society wants them to be: usually housewives or hookers, or a combination of both.

However, we can't really seem to come up with a fitting name for the album.

Our current picks are, Evolution, Metamorphosis, and Diamonds are Forever.

But they dont seem to fit, can you help us out?

I guess something to do with independence, time, breaking the mold.

We'd greatly appreciate it!Making a CD on pioneering independent women throughout the last few decades, but need help naming the album?
Musical Tw**s of the World

Who Cares if I Sound Good as Long as I'm a Rich B****?Making a CD on pioneering independent women throughout the last few decades, but need help naming the album?
Vaginal itch.Making a CD on pioneering independent women throughout the last few decades, but need help naming the album?
You need some "Hole," "L7," "Heart" and "the Breeders" on that CD.

As horrible as gender stu's suggestions may be, if you were doing a CD on the Riot Grrrl Punk genre, they may actually be appropriate. I gave you a thumbs up Stu, you made me laugh, but you're still being an ***.

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